Comment cuisiner Délicieux Bissara

Bissara. Fry garlic in the vegetable oil in a large pot over low heat until lightly browned. Pour in water and olive oil; stir in split peas, parsley, chili pepper, paprika, cumin, salt, and pepper. Bissara, also known as Bessara, Besarah and Tamarakt (Arabic: "بصارة", Berber: "Tabissart" or "talkhcha") is a soup and a bean dip in North African cuisine, prepared with dried, puréed broad beans as a primary ingredient.

Bissara Bissara is a traditional Moroccan split pea soup that can be also used as a dip. We previously mentioned this delicious dish in our list of the best Moroccan dishes and in this post, we'll share our own bissara recipe, show you how to prepare this dish, and teach you everything about its origin, history, serving tips, and other trivia. Let's start from the beginning… Moroccan Bessara (or bissara) is a delicious, satisfying pureed fava bean dip or soup that's popular street food as well as humble family fare. Vous pouvez avoir Bissara utilisant 6 Ingrédients et 3 instructions. Voici comment vous cuisinez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Bissara

  1. Préparer 300 g of fèves cassées séchées.
  2. Préparer 2 of grosses gousses d’ail.
  3. Vous avez besoin 1/2 cc of sel.
  4. C'est 1/2 cc of de paprika.
  5. Vous avez besoin of Huile d’olive.
  6. C'est 1/2 cc of cumin.

In a deep pot over medium high heat add soaked and drained beans, onion, garlic and fresh herbs. Add the cumin, dry mint, salt then pour in water to cover. Bring everything to a boil then simmer stirring occasionally. If it soaked up all the water feel free to add more, half a cup at a time.

Bissara instructions de recette

  1. Faites bouillir l’eau. Ajoutez-y les fèves. Epluchez les gousses d’ail et ajoutez-les dans la casserole. Laissez cuire une 30 minutes..
  2. Passez les fèves dans une passoire puis versez-les dans un mixeur. Ajoutez un grand verre d’eau chaude, une cuillère à soupe d’huile d’olive, le sel et le paprika et mixez..
  3. Servez aussitôt la bissara dans une assiette creuse ou des petits bols. Ajoutez par dessus un filet d’huile d’olive, du cumin, du paprika et servez..

Bissara is a popular Moroccan soup prepared with dried and peeled fava beans. This soup is hearty with plenty of protein and is often served for breakfast in winter, especially in the north. The dish was originally known as a meal of the poor, but these days it's found its way into the homes and restaurants of all social classes. Bissara: a popular Moroccan soup Bissara, as it's called in Morocco, is a plant based soup made with dried fava beans, spices and olive oil. The result is a buttery broth that's super satisfying with another light drizzle of olive oil, a sprinkle of paprika and a slice of freshly baked bread.


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